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LIFESTYLE YOGA- Meet Sumit Manav, Yogi Extraordinaire Who Is Sculpting Minds And Bodies With Yoga.

In today’s fast-paced modern lifestyle, yoga serves as a vital sanctuary for both the mind and body. It offers a holistic approach to well-being, promoting physical fitness, mental clarity, and emotional balance. Bringing this practice to people across the world through LIFESTYLE YOGA, is Sumit Manav – a qualified and experienced yoga exponent.

Sumit Manav’s yoga journey began in Uttar Pradesh, India, and later led him to the Himalayas, where he embraced yoga under Guru Shreeram Sharma Acharya at the age of 18. Over four years, he immersed himself in human consciousness and well-being, interacting with mystics to understand the body’s physiology and psychology. In 2005, Sumit earned a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Science and Human Consciousness from Haridwar, India after which he then started his professional career as a trainer and therapist.

Since 2008, Sumit has established himself in Dubai, UAE, where he founded his renowned brand, LIFESTYLE YOGA. Today, with a base in the UAE & United Kingdom (under the brand, MANAV YOGA), Sumit’s mission is to share his profound yoga knowledge worldwide, combining authentic practices with a modern touch. His approach involves alignment, philosophy, and mental discipline through the yoga. He also conducts personalized yoga therapy and corporate wellness sessions.

What sets LIFESTYLE YOGA by Sumit apart is his commitment to practicing everything he teaches, ensuring its effectiveness and benefits. 

Sumit believes self-practice is crucial for understanding the body and mind’s functions. This routine has allowed him to overcome challenges with ease, maintain optimal health, and benefit from various meditation techniques. In turn, this has led to all his clients getting the very best of practices and routines.

Today LIFESTYLE YOGA delivers a wide array of tailored yoga practices designed to cater to both individual and group needs. The offerings include Personal Training, Corporate Wellness Training, Yoga Teacher Training, Couples Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Mind Management, Prenatal Yoga, and Weight Loss Yoga. Each program is customized by Sumit and facilitated by expert trainers with extensive experience and qualifications.

In addition to these services, transformative experiences such as Yoga and Meditation Retreats, Full Moon Yin Yoga, Chakra Awakening, and Third Eye Meditation Workshops are also available. These unique offerings are designed to enhance overall well-being and promote holistic health. 

Sumit has meticulously developed concept classes so as to address various fitness elements such as flexibility, stamina, strength, endurance, balance, stability, and mindfulness. Offering over 30 forms of yoga under one roof, LIFESTYLE YOGA caters to every individual, whether they are new to yoga or experienced practitioners. This comprehensive approach ensures that everyone can find a suitable class to meet their specific needs and goals.

Taking the art and soul of yoga to people around the globe

Over the past 15 years, Sumit Manav, the visionary behind LIFESTYLE YOGA, has profoundly transformed the lives of thousands. With an impressive record of training between 10,000 to 15,000 students, LIFESTYLE YOGA has built a vibrant and expansive community.

Sumit Manav’s dedication to excellence is evident in his relentless pursuit of the latest yoga research and developments. By keeping up with industry insights and lifestyle trends, LIFESTYLE YOGA continually adapts its practices, ensuring students receive maximum benefits tailored to modern living.

Looking ahead, LIFESTYLE YOGA is poised for significant expansion. Following a successful launch in the UK, the brand plans to expand into Saudi Arabia and further grow in India. These strategic moves aim to bring LIFESTYLE YOGA’s high-quality practices to a global audience, cementing its reputation as a leader in the yoga community.

Sumit Manav offers valuable advice for aspiring yoga entrepreneurs: “Launching a yoga studio goes beyond mere teaching. It requires thorough market research, understanding lifestyle trends, niche clientele, meticulous pre-planning and crafting a solid business strategy. Excelling as a yoga teacher differs from managing a successful yoga business, which demands an entrepreneurial mindset and smart business acumen.”

Under Sumit Manav’s visionary leadership, LIFESTYLE YOGA is set to achieve remarkable growth, spreading the transformative power of yoga to an ever-widening global audience.

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